NWA Photography

2nd Report

Suryapet Orphanage - Second Report

Friday - I am back at the Orphanage for the second day with chants of Good Morning Sir. The words are spoken with a true sense of welcome, apart from a few tiny ones, of perhaps 3 or 4 years old who look rather confused at the excitement, but smile anyway with their huge eyes. Every little hand lift for mine as I make my way back and forth along the rows. We begin with some dance, first a troop of enthusiastic 11-year-old boys, keen to show off their masculine movement and second a group of elegant girls; with rather more grace.

I try a little teaching, which is received well, to my surprise. We do some sums, recite some words in Hindi, act out a play and read a book in my best English!

Lunch is served in their Dining building, each young child clutching a steel bowl ready to be served by me! The food is mainly rice with a boiled egg and vegetable soup.

The afternoon is spent filming some interviews. First, the amazing volunteer teachers whose affection for the children is so clear. Second the boys and girls; telling me their names and what they want to be. “My name is Indu, I want to be a doctor.”

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